Kitchen! From mess to sparkling in a morning!
Oh. My. Word. 5 Step Kitchen Mess 9.1.1.
My recipe for getting back on track "9-1-1" in your kitchen. This is a all morning cleaning session. Start this process early, before 8 a.m. Total time: 2 - 4 hours.
1. Get Ready (Time: 30 minutes)
Brush teeth and hair, get out of your PJ's and put on "real" clothes. I have a designated cleaning outfit. It already has bleach splatter on it and is ready for movement. Old gym clothes work great for this.
Get on a "bra" and shoes. (Trust me on this, you will work faster.) Guys, no need for the bra, this is not "Wierd Science" cleaning. The FlyLady (Marla Cilley) was absolutely correct on this. And your podiatrist will thank you.
Recently while cleaning I dropped my Kitchen aide mixer on my foot! I think my shoes saved me from a serious cut. The shoe didn't survive but I only had bruises. It was a cleaning miracle!
Next, play great music, I like Pandora's Disco Radio Station. Amazon Music on your Fire TV is a great option too. You can go "old school" with a compilation CD. Important note: it has to be music you want to dance to. If rap or jazz work for you, that is what you need. I use my Bluetooth ear buds and put my phone near me, but not on me.
Set your phone to DND (do not disturb) or silent. This is crucial. You are in the cleaning zone and are not available to take calls. Tell your significant other so they won't panic and call the police for a wellness check (don't ask how I know about that one...let's just say I have people who care deeply for me).
The TV is off until finished, even on breaks. Breaks are for resting and planning the next step, not watching your show. Okay? The TV most likely got you in this mess if you are honest. So no cheating on that item. NO TV!
Light a fresh smelling candle (my favorite is Avon's Lemon & Mint 3-wick candle). A essential oil diffuser will work too. If you have more than one candle make sure the scents go together! Linen does not go with bourbon pumpkin, trust me on this! It leads to a headache and is not recommended.
Open the curtains and let the light into your kitchen. Open the window if the weather is nice. Let the breeze in!
Eat a quick breakfast and take your vitamins. You will thank me later when you get into this process. Put on your step tracker and fill a drink cup with water. Both will be needed because this 9-1-1 cleaning is a workout.
Put on lotion and cleaning gloves for a little TLC for those hands!
2. Your challenge starts (in this order)
- Start a load of kitchen towels in the laundry
- Take out any full trash bins and put in the bins outside
- Do the same for recycling
- Fresh bags in all the trash and recycling bins
(Time: about 20 minutes)
I start with getting tripping hazards off the floor like fallen spice bottles and towels. This is when a really big dust pan comes in handy. Those plastic puffed up bags from your latest online order can scare you if you step on them! Pop! Pop! Pop!
I work to make a path FIRST. You need room to move. I always work floor up because I can get in a hurry and trip on things. Things fall off of the piles and can lead to a ER visit if you are not careful. Safety first. Get those floors clear of debris and you will be trip-free.
2. Kitchen Time!
- Set a timer on your phone or oven (if it works) to 20 minutes
- Pick up the floor. Unload the dust pan each time.
- I unload the dishwasher. If you do not have a dishwasher then put away any clean dishes you have out.
- Clear the sink. I start with the side with a disposal, then the side without. It makes for flushing icky stuff easier. Fill the side without a disposal halfway with warm water and dish soap. If your sink is undivided then just clear it out and then fill the whole thing halfway.
- Clear trash from the counters using your bin and working right to left around the room. One direction cleaning is a must. It keeps you on task.
- Now put away pantry items. Any spices, oils, or cracker boxes. Put away items starting right to left.
- Clear anything that doesn't belong. Mail, toys, work bags, homework, etc...put it in a box or bin near the door out of the kitchen. Do not deal with it now.
- Now starting right to left clear the dirty dishes - scrape them into the trash bin and set them in the sink (where you filled it with soapy water).
- The timer will go off and you may not be done yet. Look at all you have accomplished! Don't look at what you have not done yet, focus on the progress.
- Set your timer for 10 minutes. Take a 10 minute break.
Get off your feet, go sit on the deck/porch in the sun. Don't sit in the kitchen. Make a cup of joe or tea. Do absolutely nothing. Visualize how that kitchen will look & feel when you are done. Turn your upbeat music off and put on something more relaxing like classical guitar or nature sounds. This part is important, if you do not take breaks you will give up before you have made any real progress!
A photo of my me I know from experience how it gets! Eewww.
4. Work, break & repeat!
- Set timer for another 20 minutes. Repeat in the kitchen wherever you left off.
- Clean the oven! You may have to leave this for more than recommended if it is really crusty.
- Load the dishwasher with the dirty dishes that have been soaking in the sink. If you do not have a dishwasher then start doing the dishes.
- Clear a part of the counter near the sink and wipe it down with spray cleanser. Lay down some clean towels on this part of the counter. Put any hand-washed dishes on this part of the counter to drip dry.
- Run the disposal with cold water for about 5 minutes. Crush ice in it. I do about 30 cubes. Add some dish soap, then lemon juice to the disposal. You should now have a clean smelling sink.
- Full or not, start the dishwasher. If you have a one hour wash on your dishwasher use it. You already soaked them for about 10 minutes or more, they will be clean with a short wash.
- Working right to left clean the counters. Push items over and clean under them with a sponge or wet rag. Do all the countertops. Don't forget the top of the backsplash.
- Clean the stove top. Wipe down the inserts by taking them apart. If you do not know how, skip this and just give the main surface of it a good scrub. If baked on splatters are there then take a rag or paper towel and wet it, set it on the splatter for about 5 minutes. It should come off after, but repeat if needed.
- Take your breaks each time the 20 minutes are up!!!
- Clean the inside of the microwave. Take the lazy-susan out and clean under it too. Wipe it down of visible food. If there are too many cooked on splatters, fill a bowl 75% full of water add about a 1/4 cup of white vinegar (lemon juice works too) and cook that for about 2 - 3 minutes on high. After removing the bowl the stubborn cooked splatters will wipe clean.
- Did you take your 10 minute break? Do it now if you skipped it.
- Move the laundry to the dryer.
- Clean out the refrigerator and give it a wipe down. Use the wet towel method on old drips like you did on the oven top. Throw out the slimy stuff. You may need an extra trash bin for this!
- Wipe down the cabinet fronts and the wall behind the oven and sink. Look for visible icky stuff.
- Take out the trash/recycling to the outside bin (it should be full now).
- Dry any hand-washed dishes, put them away. Unload the dishwasher if it is finished.
- Empty the final items from the sink. Wipe down the sink with cleanser or olive oil.
- If your furry family members eat in the kitchen be sure to clean their area too!
- Wipe out the oven (use those gloves). Do the best you can on this. If you need to leave it longer you can do this after you put up stuff at the end.
- Fold the kitchen laundry and put towels and pot holders away. Put out your favorite decorative towels.
- Sweep and mop the floors. Shake off area rugs or mats. You are almost done.
5. Final Steps! You are almost there!
- Take the bin you put items "that don't belong" and put them away in their proper place. Do not leave them in the bin by the entry! You are not done till that is completely empty.
Reward yourself! Take a relaxing bath, go to the park and enjoy the afternoon! See a movie! Call your mom and tell her what you have done!
Why the kitchen?
- The kitchen is the most active area of the home, even if you live alone.
- It is usually the first or second room you see when you enter the home.
- If someone drops by unannounced they will judge your whole home cleanliness poorly if the kitchen is dirty.
- The kitchen seems to be the gateway to clutter. If the kitchen is messy the whole house is going to be messy...soon!
- If your whole house is a crazy mess of stuff, ( I have a home like that!) with a clean kitchen you have hope and some sanity.
- It is vital for your kitchen to be clean for health. You will not cook in a kitchen that is a mess. And cooking at home is known to be better for you.
- A clean microwave, oven and refrigerator will keep germs at bay and prevent food poisoning.
- Let's be honest, the kitchen is usually the heart of the home. As such it needs to be picked up and clean.
- Especially during the holiday season this room gets a workout! Things that are only used once a year get dragged out of the back of the pantry! You need to put those items back!
- A clean kitchen will make you happy no matter who you are!
Side note: The top photo at the start of this post is my kitchen at its worst a few years ago. I have since upgraded the kitchen and have new quartz counter tops, refrigerator, sink, faucet and painted cabinets. I will post about that experience and process soon!
Any additional suggestions are welcome! Tips and tricks too! I would like to hear from you!
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