
Showing posts from December, 2020

Kitchen! From mess to sparkling in a morning!

Oh. My. Word. 5 Step Kitchen Mess 9.1.1.  My recipe for getting back on track "9-1-1" in your kitchen. This is a all morning cleaning session. Start this process early, before 8 a.m. Total time: 2 - 4 hours. 1. Get Ready (Time: 30 minutes) Brush teeth and hair, get out of your PJ's and put on "real" clothes. I have a designated cleaning outfit. It already has bleach splatter on it and is ready for movement. Old gym clothes work great for this. Get on a "bra" and shoes. (Trust me on this, you will work faster.) Guys, no need for the bra, this is not "Wierd Science" cleaning. The FlyLady (Marla Cilley) was absolutely correct on this. And your podiatrist will thank you.  Recently while cleaning I dropped my Kitchen aide mixer on my foot! I think my shoes saved me from a serious cut. The shoe didn't survive but I only had bruises. It was a cleaning miracle! Next, play great music, I like Pandora's Disco Radio Station. Amazon Music on your...