
Showing posts from August, 2020

Moving Back Day

Today I am moving back into my home. There I said it. Today. Hallelujah!! My home had a flood again -- almost 2 years to the day after it flooded last time. It has taken 8 days short of 7 months to get here. Thanks to COVID-19 my process was especially slow due to supply chain issues and my county shutting down just days after I had to move out due to unsafe air quality.  It has been challenging to say the least! And I learned a lot along the way. But you know me, instead of making lemonade, I did even better. I made fresh brewed sweet tea out of the situation.  Kitchen upgrades, new doors and other things were done as we put my humpty dumpty of a home back together again.  I plan to document the journey here in this blog so I remember how far I have come and celebrate the little victories along the way. I hope this will help others and if nothing else give you a laugh.  Question of the day: What is the one thing you love most about your kitchen? Go!